ArtCanal, the inter-continental sculpture exhibition on the Zihl Canal, was located in the heart of the 3-lake region, in the middle of Expo.02, but independent of it, with 28 artists from Switzerland and 28 Swiss artists from abroad from all 5 continents. Based on the concept of sculptor Paul Wiedmer, the artists were invited by the jury to take part in ArtCanal and, through the mediation of the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Swiss abroad were able to apply. From their lives on all five continents, they brought their experiences in dealing with foreign cultures to Switzerland and thus opened it up to the whole world.
Zihl Canal
Concept & Artistic Director
Paul Wiedmer
Edith S. Ambühl, Portugal
Serena Amrein, Germany
Nena Amsler & William L. Rabe, USA
Vincenzo Baviera, Switzerland
Jean-Daniel Berclaz, France
Susi & Ueli Berger, Switzerland
Meinrad Betschart, Switzerland
Carlo Borer, Switzerland
Paul Brand, Norway
Stefan Bruggisser, Australia
Elsbeth Burkhalter, South Africa
Max Bühlmann, Italy
Chantel Carrel, France
Ernerst Daetwyler, Canada
Rémi Dall'Aglio, France
Reto Emch, Switzerland
Olivier Estoppey, Switzerland
Madeleine U. Felber, Italy
Astrid Fitzgerald, USA
Gunter Frentzel, Switzerland
Pia Gerber Helle, Saudi Arabia
Petra Grünig, Germany
Christiane Hamacher, Switzerland
Peter Hasler, Austria
Patrick Honegger, Switzerland
Margret Hugi-Lewis, USA
Airlines Ingold, Germany
Barbara Jäggi, Switzerland
Spallo Kolb, Switzerland
Paul Le Grand, Switzerland
Ivan Luginbühl, Switzerland
Flavio Micheli, Italy
Gerald Minkoff, Switzerland
Jacques Moeschler, France
Joëlle & Rolf Morosou, Canada
Oliver Mosset, USA
Urs Pfannenmüller, Netherlands
Klaus Prior, Switzerland
Ping Qiu, Germany
André Raboud, Switzerland
Christoph Rihs, Switzerland
Reinhard Rühlin, Switzerland
Vera Röhm, Germany
Pavel Schmidt, Switzerland
Francine Secretan, Bolivia
Daniel Spoerri, Italy
Ursula Stalder, Switzerland
Hans Thomann, Switzerland
Pierre Vadi, Switzerland
Paul Viaccoz, Switzerland
Martin Ziegelmüller, Switzerland
Denise Ziegler, Finland
Photos: © Michael Studt