Arteplage Murten-Morat

Cantonal Day Fribourg

Event Cantonal Day Fribourg
Title Fri-Style
Venue Arteplage Murten-Morat
Date 18.05.2002
Time All day
Admission Included in the Expo.02 entrance ticket
Visitors 6'618 (forecast: 7'300)
Concept Six cultural bivouacs, involving more than 1,500 participants, livened up the Arteplage and the town of Murten-Morat during the day. Music took over the site, in particular with a brass band made up of 100 young people from Fribourg. In the evening, the audience enjoyed the musical Fantasma and the Landwehr took part in a great musical firework display. The Brazilian town of Nova Friburgo, which was founded by Fribourg immigrants in the 19th century, was the day's guest of honour
Programme -
Project team Project management: Department of Cultural Affairs of the Canton of Fribourg
Participants 1'500
Budget CHF 1'200'000.00
Remarks -

Photos: are still missing - send us yours! expo.02(at)