Arteplage Neuchâtel

Cantonal Day Graubünden

Event Cantonal Day Graubünden
Title Graubünden natürlich farbig – Grisons naturellement colorés
Venue Arteplage Neuchâtel
Date 31.08.2002
Time All day
Admission Included in the Expo.02 entrance ticket
Visitors 27'912 (forecast: 21'500)
Concept Will the Grisons ibex learn to swim at Expo.02? The animal in the canton's coat of arms was omnipresent. Graubünden presented itself in colour and underlined the connection between nature and the linguistic diversity of the canton. They offered visitors a varied programme with musical and gastronomic highlights.
Programme -
Project team Project management: Beat Ryffel
Project coordinator: Christian Durisch
Participants 814 plus 1'100 guests
Budget CHF 850'000.00
Remarks -

Photos: Archive Frédérique Mouchet; © Archive Ralph Ammann