Arteplage Neuchâtel

Cantonal Day Jura

Event Cantonal Day Jura
Title Nom de code HB - Horde Blanche
Venue Arteplage Neuchâtel
Date 23.06.2002
Time All day
Admission Included in the Expo.02 entrance ticket
Visitors 16'145 (forecast: 18'500)
Concept The enfants terribles of the Jura conquered the Arteplage Neuchâtel on a special day, the anniversary of their independence. For its first appearance as a guest canton at a national exhibition, the Jura prepared a dynamic and innovative programme in complete discretion. Self-irony, humour and poetry were the ingredients of the secretly prepared menu. White hordes flooded the Arteplage Neuchâtel.
Programme -
Project team -
Participants 1'500
Budget CHF 700'000.00
Remarks -

Photos:© Archive Ralph Ammann;  are still missing - send us yours! expo.02(at)