Arteplage Neuchâtel

Cantonal Day Thurgau

Event Cantonal Day Thurgau
Title extratour
Venue Arteplage Neuchâtel
Date 05.10.2002
Time All day
Admission Included in the Expo.02 entrance ticket
Visitors 38'547 (forecast: 30'500)
Concept The Grande Scène was transformed into a television studio. Throughout the day, film reports and live broadcasts from Thurgau's cultural life formed the link between the people of Thurgau and visitors to Expo.02. TV professionals such as Mona Vetsch, Alenka Ambroz, Regula Elsener, Silvia von Ballmoos and Hansjörg Enz hosted the programme.
Programme -
Project team Idea and concept: Robert Fürer
Project management: René Munz, Ruth Bommer, Werner Müller
Overall direction: Susanne Läng
Participants 264 plus 700 guests
Budget CHF 1'300'000.00
Remarks -

Photos: Archive Frédérique Mouchet