Event | Cantonal Day Ticino | |
Title | Piazza Ticino – Ticino.02 | |
Venue | Arteplage Biel-Bienne | |
Date | 28.09.2002 | |
Time | All day | |
Admission | Included in the Expo.02 entrance ticket | |
Visitors | 34'143 (forecast: 28'100) | |
Concept | The Italian-speaking part of Switzerland is more than just a sunny corner through which one moves. The people of Ticino like to talk about their daily balancing act between Milan and Berne. Ticino transformed the Hauptbühne of the Arteplage Biel-Bienne into a piazza and invited the audience on a musical journey, rounded off with a plate of risotto. | |
Programme | - | |
Project team | Concept group: Gabriele Gendotti, Lorenzo Sganzini, Jacky Marti, Andreas Wyden, Marco Blaser, Theo Mäusli, Maristella Polli Production: Marco Blaser, Theo Mäusli, Maristella Polli (RTSI) | |
Participants | 862 plus 600 guests | |
Budget | CHF 900'000.00 | |
Remarks | - |
Photos: are still missing - send us yours! expo.02(at)ex-expo.ch