Hors sol!

Hors sol?

The battlements of Murten are among the oldest in Europe. Hors Sol? builds a bridge between the different ages and worlds with two scaffolding structures affixed to the town walls, both housing a suspended cube. In each of the cubes is a fully furnished living-room, one put together by Swiss living abroad and the other by foreigners living in Switzerland.

However, neither room has a floor. Hors Sol? and its everyday objects hanging in mid-air raise questions about the relationship between roots and identity, about similarities and differences between migrants and non-migrants and about what life is like when you make a new start somewhere else.


Fondation Braillard Architectes (Ola Söderström), Geneva www.braillard.ch  

Scenography, design
Via Lewandowsky, Berlin, Germany www.vialewandowsky.com  

Assistance scenography
Büro am Zoo (Ruta Urdze, Oliver Störmer), Berlin, Germany

Scientific assistance
Forum suisse pour l'étude des migrations (Sandro Cattacin), Neuchâtel

AJN Ateliers Jean Nouvel, Paris, France www.jeannouvel.com   
Partner: GIMM Gauer Itten Messerli Maria, Berne www.gim.ch 

Interior design, project management
Michael Zeyfang

Coaching Expo.02
Danielle Nanchen (Head)
Martine Anderfuhren

Antonia Amor, Adel Dallali, Eric Gregoire, Sonia Lago, Talaat Melik, Marta Nawrocka, Gabriela Simpson Tinelli, Nadine Soumrani, Alexandra Wildi-Leontieva

Photos: Press kit Hors Sol?; © Nüssli (Schweiz) AG, Hüttwilen www.nussli.com