Patinoire du Littoral

Inauguration Ceremony Expo.02

Event Inauguration Ceremony Expo.02
Venue Patinoire du Littoral
Arteplage Neuchâtel
Date 14.05.2002
Time 16:30

Four speeches were given. The following took the floor:

  • Kaspar Villiger, President of the Swiss Confederation
  • Francis Matthey, President of the General Assembly of Expo.02
  • Franz Steinegger, President of the Expo.02 Steering Committee
  • Nelly Wenger, President of the General Management of Expo.02

The opening ceremony included artistic intermezzi, including extracts from the opening spectacle, which was to begin a few hours later. 

Project team -
Admission For 2'200 invited guests only
Organiser Expo.02, Neuchâtel
Remarks -

Photos: © Christian Galley; © Archiv Ralph Ammann