Between nature and design: our food and drink


Eating and drinking between organics and design

Nature and artificiality: the exhibition Manna deals with this theme of the Arteplage Neuchâtel. In a world of sound, creep and smell, the boundaries between real and fake are blurred.

What is hiding on your plate? A question you will certainly ask yourself after visiting the exhibition Manna. A sweet vanilla scent emanates from a 48.00-metre diameter pudding formed by 21 inflatable plastic spoon biscuits that rise 15.00 metres into the air.

That smells good! Children's voices in all languages lure you inside this artificial dessert. Now you are in the middle of a garden with plants, vegetables, fragrant herbs and a giant apple tree. It all seems more real than fake. Or does it? The apples are an exact replica of 365 Swiss varieties. In reality, there are about 1'000 different varieties! But only a few of them can be found in shops. Did you know that the market supply manipulates your taste?

Natural soil

On an underground trail you will discover the richness of an unfertilised organic soil. The soil comes from different regions of Switzerland. A healthy and living soil with its inhabitants: woodlice, millipedes, earthworms, snails, moles and many more. Images of them are projected onto the tunnel walls. This gives you the feeling of being in the middle of the earth yourself, and you are amazed at the diversity. Did you know that all these creatures contribute to the fertility of the soil?

A synthetic strawberry

A little further on, a pavilion as pink as chewing gum houses the largest strawberry in the world - it is synthetic and was designed by Basel artist Barbarella Maier. The Beatles song Strawberry Fields ruffles your ears and a pleasing strawberry smell enters your nose. Did you know that 90 percent of the strawberry aroma is artificially produced? Inspired by the theme of the Arteplage Neuchâtel Nature and Artificiality, Manna forces you to question your consumption habits and think about the natural and artificial in your diet. An exhibition to taste - just the way you like it!


Visitor capacity per day

Total visitors

Coop, Basel

Project management Coop
Ilse Rollé-Ditzler

Overall project management
reflecta AG, Berne

Exhibition concept, content                   AG, Basel
Coop Projektteam, Basel

Architecture, landscape        
Andrin Schweizer & Partner Architekten, Zurich
Ralph Meury Architekten, Zurich

Concept, design Sinfoterra
Stauffenegger + Stutz (Christian Stauffenegger, Ruedi Stutz), Basel

Artwork Artefragola
Barbarella Maier, Basel

Lettering concept
Gina Moser, Zurich

General contractor
Sulzer + Buzzi Baumanagement AG, Olten

Civil engineer
Lüem AG, Basel (new: Gruner Lüem AG)
BHM Bianchetti Hitzinger Meyer Ingenieure und Planer AG, Biel

Building Services Engineer
Haustec Engineering AG, Ostermundigen

Electrical planner/multimedia system
H&S Voluntas Engineering AG, Dittingen

Design of signage Ltd, Zürich

Sky painting
Enrico Caspari, Züberwangen

Consulting apples & Vivavaria & plantings
Pro Specie Rara, Aarau

Compositions & sound design
Dr. Bernhard Ambros Batschelet, Basel
Urs Rickenbacher, Basel

Grorymab AG (new: Air Creative AG), Wangen an der Aare

Video projections Sinfoterra
point de vue audiovisuelle produktion, Basel

Apple imitations Vivavaria
tpc productionscenter Zürich AG, Zürich
Marius Ott, Zürich

Landscape planning
Schönholzer & Stauffer, Riehen

Soil material
Adalbert Pazeller, Ingenieurbüro für Agrarökologie, Richterswil

H.P. Gasser AG Membranbau (new: HP Gasser AG), Sarnen

Scenic lighting
Regent Beleuchtungskörper AG, Basel www.regent,ch

Landscape gardeners
Hortussa AG, Uetendorf

Vegetable plants landscape
Martin Löffel, Müntschemier

Irrigation system Sinfoterra
Ott Aquatec AG, Pfäffikon

Sound system, moving lights
Habegger Media Perfomance AG, Urdorf

Metalwork Sinfoterra and Artefragola
SWM Metallbautechnik AG, Biglen

Apple tree Vivavaria
Dekorationsbau Felix AG, Emsbrach

Assembly work in wood
Holzloft Kapp Lüdi AG, Orpund

Textile wall coverings
Schlegel & Co, Basel

Coaching Expo.02
Armin Heusser (Head)
Heidi Huber

Operations Management
Christian Sager (Operations Manager)
Jürg Saner (Operations Manager)
Antonio Arces (Head of Infodesk)
Brigitte Gyger (Head of Secretariat)
Brigitte Weisskopf (Secretariat)
Christine Freiburghaus (Assistance)
Murielle Sudan Fulgraff (Assistance)
Marianne Guggisberg (Assistance)
Rahel Otz (Assistance)
Bettina Zürcher (Deputy Head of Communications)

Julien Brunschwig, Denise Grogg, Olivia Martinelli, Chris Plattner, Hans Ueli Plattner, Cornel Rast, Verena Saner, Barbara Weber Kindler, Simone Zumbrunnen

Photos: Press kit Manna; © Jürg Frei; © Lucas Keel; © Archive Frédérique Mouchet; © Andreas Mosimann; © Tom Weilenmann; © Philipp Zanatta; Claude Zingg; © Archive Ralph Ammann