A sentiment as strong as hate and love


Pain is often repressed. Nevertheless, along with love and hate, it remains one of our strongest feelings. Fighting pain has therefore always been a central goal of human beings. SIGNALPAIN approaches a subject in a sensitive way, which in its diversity eludes easy access. The SIGNALPAIN project is about behaviour towards pain.

The exhibition works with the experiences and reactions of each of us and makes the phenomenon vivid - also through architecture. As a visitor, you enter the exhibition pavilion at the dissolved corners. This is followed by a room with thousands of threads that form the walls - permeable and elusive like the individual feeling of pain. Through these walls, one enters a square interior space. There, a performance takes place with changing sets and audiovisual sequences, projected onto the threads.

The productions encircle the theme with short stories. For example, they tell of pain as a signal, anger, language, as opportunity or pleasure, as a feeling at loss. By moving around in the scenery, the audience brings itself into the exhibition. Supervisors ensure safety and operate the technical equipment, but also provide information, especially on pain prevention.


Visitor capacity per day

Total visitors

Swiss Council for Accident Prevention, Berne www.bfu.ch 
Suva, Lucerne www.suva.ch
Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety, Lucerne www.ekas.ch 
Health Promotion Switzerland, Berne www.gesundheitsfoerderung.ch

SVV Swiss Insurance Association, Zurich www.svv.ch 
Swiss Road Safety Council, Berne www.vsr.ch 

Project management
Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (Peter Hehlen), Berne www.bfu.ch 

Concept and realisation
Les Ateliers du Nord - ADN Projects GmbH (Werner Jeker), Lausanne www.adn-design.ch www.werner-jeker.ch 

Artistic advice
Jean Otth
Eric Bart

Coaching Expo.02
Sergio Cavero (Head)
Anic Zanzi

Barbara Salm

Photos: Press kit SIGNALPAIN; © Werner Jeker www.werner-jeker.ch; © Martin Lüchinger