Swiss Confederation

Expo.02 was commissioned by the Swiss Confederation. It was realised with the support of the Department of Economic Affairs.

The Federal Council - convinced that the Three Lakes Project represented a promising opportunity in this sense - gave its organising committee the definitive mandate on 18.03.1996 to take charge of the organisation and realisation of EXPO 2001. The aim is to create an exhibition for the whole of Switzerland for all Swiss people and their guests from abroad. At the same time, a region will be able to demonstrate its creative and innovative skills, but also that it is capable of enthusiasm and can muster the necessary energy for such a wide-ranging project.

Extract from the dispatch on a federal contribution to the 2001 National Exhibition, 22.05.1996

Representatives of the Swiss Confederation

Federal Councillors during Expo.02
Kaspar Villiger (FDF), President of the Confederation
Pascal Couchepin (FDEA)
Joseph Deiss (FDFA)
Ruth Dreifuss (FDHA)
Moritz Leuenberger (UVEK)
Ruth Metzler-Arnold (FDJP)
Samuel Schmid (DDPS)

Federal Councillors 1995-2002
Flavio Cotti (FDFA: 1995-1999), President of the Confederation 1998
Pascal Couchepin (FDEA: 1998-2002)
Joseph Deiss (FDFA: 1999-2002)
Ruth Dreifuss (FDHA: 1995-2002), President of the Confederation 1999
Jean-Pascal Delamuraz (FDEA: 1995-1998). President of the Confederation 1996
Arnold Koller (FDJP: 1995-1999), President of the Confederation 1997
Moritz Leuenberger (FDEA: 1995-1997; DETEC: 1998-2002), President of the Swiss Confederation 1996 & 2001
Ruth Metzler-Arnold (FDJP: 1999-2002)
Adolf Ogi (EVED: 1995: EMD: 1996-1997; DDPS: 1998-2000), President of the Confederation 2000
Samuel Schmid (DDPS: 2001-2002)
Otto Stich (FDF: 1995)
Kaspar Villiger (EMD: 1995; FDF: 1996-2002), President of the Confederation 2002

Member of the Comité Directeur
Franz Steinegger, National Councillor, President and representative of the Confederation (15.10.1999--29.11.2004)

Members of the Assemblée Générale Association National Exhibition
Bruno Altermatt (FDEA), representative of the Confederation (01.07.2000-29.11.2004)
Erwin Götschmann (FFA), representative of the Confederation (15.01.1997-29.09.2008)
Jean Pierre Peternier (EMD), representative of the Confederations (14.11.2001-29.11.2004)
Daniel Margot (FDEA), representative of the Confederation (15.01.1997-30.06.2000)
Bruno Wallimann (SAEFL), representative of the Confederation (15.01.1997-13.11.2001)

Members of the interdepartmental coordination group for Expo 2001 (ICG)
Daniel Margot (FDEA), President
Erwin Götschmann (FFA)
Bruno Wallimann (DETEC)

Mitglieder der lDA Expo.01 (Interdepartementale Arbeitsgruppe betreffend Expo.01) (11.08.1999-12.1999)
Stefan Aeschimann (FDEA), President IDA Expo.01
Bruno Altermatt (FDEA)
Erwin Götschmann (FFA)
Daniel Margot (FDEA)
Jean Pierre Peternier (EMD) 
Bruno Wallimann (DETEC)

An interdepartmental working group called IDA Expo.01 was set up in the Federal Administration in 1999. The working group was made up of experts in financing and management issues and was specifically tasked with monitoring Hayek's investigation, analysing its results and coordinating the Confederation's involvement in the best possible way. The working group was chaired by Stefan Aeschimann, Secretary General of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs. The working group was also given the task of drafting the dispatch for an urgent federal decree with which the Federal Assembly would be asked to increase the Confederation's financial contribution to the realisation of Expo.01 if necessary.

The exhibitions of the Swiss Confederation

The events of the Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS)