
Zürcher Theater Spektakel: Reunion

On Saturday, 24.08.2024 at 17:00 we met at the Zürcher Theater Spektakel in beautiful weather.

The Zürcher Theater Spektakel takes place on the Landiwiese. It was expanded to its current size in 1939 for the Swiss National Exhibition, or Landi for short.

The Expo.02 alumni enjoyed tasty snacks and refreshing drinks in the Landis restaurant and discussed the Landi, Expo.02 and future national exhibition projects. It was very much appreciated that there was finally a meeting in German-speaking Switzerland again and plans were already being made for the next meetings in German-speaking Switzerland. We had great fun!

Nevertheless, there was a small drop of bitterness: unfortunately there were some late cancellations and no-shows.

The Zürcher Theater Spektakel is one of the best-known European festivals for contemporary forms of the performing arts and the largest theatre festival in Switzerland.