
Direction Technique

The Direction Technique (DT) was responsible for the operational tasks related to the planning, organisation and implementation of the architectural constructions of the National Exhibition.

The Direction Technique, Security and Logistics was set up in 1997. Over the years, its areas of responsibility have changed. In the beginning, they included architecture, infrastructure, legal processes, procedures, transport on the three lakes, security and logistics. Certain areas of activity were later transferred to other directorates: navigation, safety and logistics became the responsibility of the Direction Exploitation in 2001. Legal services and publications were placed under the Direction Générale. The areas of public spaces and the environment were integrated into the Directorate of Technology, Safety and Logistics, which was called the Direction Technique from 1999.

The management
Ruedi Rast
, Directeur Technique (06.03.2000-31.03.2003)
Nelly Wenger, Directrice Technique (26.01.1999-01.02.2000) 
Paolo Ugolini, Directeur Technique (21.03.1997-14.10.1998)

Georges Nicolet, adjoint

The heads of department
Carine Bonsack (communication) 
Bernard Bourquin (constructions)
Nadia Solioz-Ieronimo (procédures) 
Alain Stuber (environnement)
Eric Tilbury (espaces publics)
Ariane Widmer-Pham (design et signalétique)

The heads of Arteplage
Jean-Pierre Weber (Arteplage Biel-Bienne)
Hans Flückiger (Arteplage Murten-Morat)
René Spahr (Arteplage Neuchâtel)
Noël Schneider (Arteplage Yverdon-les-Bains)

The staff
Jana Ackermann-Neuberger, Christian Albrecht, Monica Bachmann, Giorgio Bamabo, Jérôme Boillat, Christian Brändle, Michelle Dedelley. Fredy Dinkel. Mélanie Donzé, Jean-Blaise Ecklin, Christiane Fallet, Claude Ferretti, Lucretia Forucci, André Gabus, Heinz Gass, Aline Grenier, Nuria Greub-Sallares, Jean-Pierre Grivel, Malou Grosjean, Odile Hirschi, Joëlle Hofmann Vivarelli, Marc Juan, Stephan Kessler, Guido Keune, Nathalie Khelfi, Martina Knecht, Anne Kurth Jaquet, Marc Langenegger, Gianluca Lira, Michel Matalon, Edy Monaco, Philippe Monaco, Gaëlle Niklès, Erdjan Opan, Daniele Oppizzi, Nicolas Paratte, Jean-Carlo Pedroli, Laurence Pierrehumbert, François Pollien, Igor Reinhardt, Michel Robyr, Henri Rochat, Sandro Rosselet, Günter A. Rühle, Henning Schütz, Jacqueline Schwarz, Nicolas Soerensen, Marc-Olivier Sottaz, Joëlle Vivarelli, Joëlle Vonlanthen-Schläpfer, Christine Wallinger, Alexis Wegmann, Tobias Wieser, Nora Wurzinger, Egon Zaugg

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