Dialogue between state and citizens
Nouvelle DestiNation is interested in the relationship between the state and its population and forms a living construction that wants to encourage citizens to overcome their shyness and use their right to have a say.
A dry reality, a grandiose backdrop: This is what our idea of the state could look like. Nouvelle DestiNation is far from that. Both the architecture and the content of the exhibition stage a state that is flexible enough to adapt to constantly changing demands.
Nouvelle DestiNation consists of a 6,00-metre-high inflatable tent whose walls move according to the pressure of the air blown in, giving the impression of an organ that is constantly moving and adapting to the wind. Inside, the proportions of the pavilion seem to change constantly.
Visitors are given headphones that play short texts to them as they walk through, listing all the sporting disciplines that are meant to illustrate the questions of the exhibition. Is politics a game? A competition? A commitment between pleasure and duty?
There is talk of passivity and action, of tricks and intrigues, of tactics and strategy, but also of the silent majority, of voting and of the state in a virtual world. Above all, it is about the key question: seven million inhabitants in twenty-six cantons and four language regions: How does that work?
Visitor capacity per day
Total visitors
750 m2
Swiss Confederation
Overall project management Confederation
Fred Nyffeler
Project management
Rieder, Messmer & Partner AG (Heiner Rieder) (deleted), Hinwil
Federal Chancellery (Lead)
Federal Department of Home Affairs
Federal Department of Finance
Federal Department of Justice and Police
Federal Department of Economic Affairs
Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications
e2a Eckert Eckert Architekten AG (Piet Eckert), Zurich www.e2a.ch
Via Lewandowsky, Berlin, Germany www.vialewandowsky.com
Via Lewandowsky, Berlin, Germany www.vialewandowsky.com
Charles Lombard, La Chaux-de-Fonds
e2a Eckert Eckert Architekten AG (Piet Eckert), Zurich www.e2a.ch
Arge Generalplaner
Charles Lombard, La Chaux-de-Fonds
Hans Saner, Basel
Construction Management, Site Management
Caretta Weidmann Baumanagement AG, Zurich www.caretta-weidmann.ch
Structural planning
IPL Ingenieurplanung Leichtbau GmbH, Radolfzell, Germany
Building services planning
Todt, Gmür + Partner AG, Schlieren www.tgp.ch
Media planning scenography
Planungsgruppe AB AG, Luzern www.planungab.com
Local construction management
G. Baumann + F. Khanlari SIA SWB Architekten AG, Biel www.baumann-khanlari.ch
Koch Membranen GmbH, Rimsting/Chiemsee, Germany www.kochmembranen.de
Responsible for federal projects Expo.02
Lisa Humbert-Droz
Coaching Expo.02
Pidu Russek (Head)
Fabian Meier
Photos: Press kit Nouvelle Destination; DVD Generation.02; © Hermann Hirt; © Philipp Zanatta; © Via Lewandowsky